A Discovery of Witches | By Deborah Harkness | Summary

 A Discovery of Witches


Discovery of Witches is a 2011 historical and legendary novel and the first novel by American scholar Deborah Harkness. It follows the story of Diana Bishop, a professor of science at Yale University who, after accidentally finding a manuscript that was hard to find, thought for a long time, and was forced to accept the magic in her blood and spend it all her life. You want to be removed from. And beautiful vampires are involved in an illicit affair with Matthew Clairmont.

On February 8, 2011, discovered by Penguin Books, which became the New York Times Best Seller when it was released. It has been published in the papers and as an ebook. The novel has been translated into more than 36 languages. The book received excellent responses from critics of the text. It was praised for its intellectual combination of history and fantasy, though some critics believed that the plot was trivial and slow. Comparisons are made between another famous series of legends, Twilight and Harry Potter. The novel began as Harkus' "thinking experiment", which previously published non-fiction books. He spoke of his academic background as a historian and his study of alchemy, magic and magic.

Discovery of Whites is the first installment in All Souls 'Triology, followed by Shadow of Night (2012) and the series' Third Novel, The Book of Life (2014). In September 2018, a book conversion on television took place on Sky One.


A Discovery of Witches


When Diana Bishop returned to Oxford University, her life was turned upside down. While doing research in the library, Diana requested a book called Ashmole 782. This Manuscript, also known as the Book of Life, has been lost for over 150 years. As soon as Diana touches the ancient manuscript, her powers do work. Shocked by her clear cosmic connection to Ashmole 782, Diana returns the book. It turns out, however, that his discovery had drawn the attention of other creatures, which led to a series of events that slowly restored his witch's legacy to his life.

Matthew Clairmont is a vampire who has spent some 150 years searching for that book. When it is reported that the book is in Oxford, she rushes to look for the book but instead meets Diana Bishop. Matthew’s feelings of vampiric self-defense began and he made it his job to ensure Diana’s safety. As the story progresses, the forbidden love begins to blossom between the vampire and the witch.

Summary in Hindi:

जब डायना बिशप ऑक्सफोर्ड विश्वविद्यालय में वापस आईं, तो उनका जीवन उल्टा हो गया। लाइब्रेरी में शोध करते हुए, डायना ने एशमोल 782 नामक एक पुस्तक का अनुरोध किया। यह मैनुस्क्रिप्ट, जिसे बुक ऑफ लाइफ के रूप में भी जाना जाता है, 150 वर्षों से अधिक समय से खो गई है। जैसे ही डायना प्राचीन पांडुलिपि को छूती है, उसकी शक्तियां काम करती हैं। 782 में ऐशमोल के अपने स्पष्ट लौकिक संबंध से हैरान, डायना ने इस पुस्तक को लौटाया। हालांकि, यह पता चला है कि उनकी खोज ने अन्य प्राणियों का ध्यान आकर्षित किया था, जिसके कारण कई घटनाओं का सिलसिला शुरू हुआ, जिसने धीरे-धीरे उनके जीवन के लिए चुड़ैल की विरासत को बहाल किया।

मैथ्यू क्लैरमॉन्ट एक पिशाच है, जिसने उस पुस्तक की खोज में लगभग 150 साल बिताए हैं। जब यह बताया जाता है कि पुस्तक ऑक्सफोर्ड में है, तो वह पुस्तक देखने के लिए दौड़ती है, लेकिन इसके बजाय डायना बिशप से मिलती है। मैथ्यू की वैम्पायरिक सेल्फ डिफेंस की भावनाएं शुरू हुईं और उन्होंने डायना की सुरक्षा सुनिश्चित करने के लिए इसे अपना काम बना लिया। जैसे-जैसे कहानी आगे बढ़ती है, निषिद्ध प्रेम पिशाच और चुड़ैल के बीच खिलने लगता है।



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